Sky resources

Business as usual for Sky Resources amid the pandemic

“We are using the Sales Forecast function to simulate the quantity and cost required in the next one or two months. This gives us foresight in our cash flow management. It also allows us to bargain for volume discount for the most consumed materials." - Mr. Lee Poh Seng, Purchase Manager at Sky Resources

Mr. Lee Poh Seng, Purchase Manager of Sky Resources, shares his experience of working with Monitor ERP during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period. He was also the Project Manager who implemented the Monitor ERP System back in April 2018.

Sky Resources is renowned for producing high quality cosmetic and healthcare products. It has proven to be flexible, able to pivot and adapt its business to changing circumstances, coupled with a reliable system. Let’s have a look at how Monitor ERP has helped during this crisis period.

Could you provide an overview of your business, and how has the COVID-19 pandemic affected business as usual for your organization?
We have two types of business. One is Cosmetic, Skin Care & Personal Care products; another one is Health Care products. Personal Care Products (Hand Sanitizer) and Health Care Products are essential services under MITI approval. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we must focus on essential service materials as opposed to other non-essential products.

How has the MCO affected the daily operation of your business?
Internally: Only a limited number of workers are allowed to work in the operation. Furthermore, we need to maintain effective social distancing, which is why a majority of service staff are required to work from home and allow the limited manufacturing related personnel to work at the plant.

Externally: Another limitation is the hiccup on the supply side. Not all services and suppliers are available in this period. All communication and orders must communicate and be resolved digitally.

How has Monitor ERP helped in the daily operation of your business during the MCO period?
Firstly, Monitor ERP is an integrated system with Sales, Delivery, Manufacturing, and Purchasing processes. The orders are inter-related and once registered, we are able to find the relevant suggestions in the system and place the orders digitally, with relevant parties able to print the orders directly from the system. Secondly, we are using Monitor ERP to manage the supply hiccup through its status management features as well as its order windows.

Is there any specific function in Monitor that has proved to be more useful and valuable now, during the MCO?
There are actually too many to mention, but I would like to highlight the following four functions:

  • Sales Forecast: Instead of normal forecasting, we are leveraging this function to plan for our working capital, production capacity as well as quickly finding out the process bottleneck.
  • PO Suggestion: Purchase Orders could be registered directly from home, without delays in placing orders.
  • Order Info: We can see the progress of production, from home too. Order Info has all the necessary information for each manufacturing order. The status of each Work Center can be viewed and checked with a single click!
  • Priority Planning: We can change our production priority even from home too, because we can access it remotely.

If the MCO is further extended, would you feel comfortable to continue managing your business remotely, from home?
No problem, we would be fine with that. However, we are also using other tools like WhatsApp/Microsoft Teams to communicate and conduct meetings. Lastly, the most important thing is that Monitor Support is always there for us when we have any issues during this MCO period.

Feel free to contact Monitor ERP System if you’d like to know how you too can continue business as usual from home.

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