
Osallistu webinaareihimme ja pysy ajan tasalla Monitorin uusimmista toiminnoista

Sustainability by Monitor – Manage your product contents

Webinar – 28 January

In this webinar we take a deeper dive into sustainability requirements and explain how you can manage and report data relating to your part contents in Monitor ERP.

This functionality enables you to register chemicals for compliance with the REACH regulation, submit CBAM reports for imports and show the volume of renewable materials included in your products.

Sign up here!
Parts contents webinar

Business Intelligence

Webinar – March 6

Discover the power of Business Intelligence in Monitor ERP and convert your company data into valuable insights.

In this webinar we explore the power of Business Intelligence in Monitor ERP. Included in the system as standard, BI provides the tools you need to analyze data, create compelling visualizations and make smarter decisions swiftly and effectively.

Sign up here!
Business Intelligence Webinar

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